Institute Seminar
Dr hab. Michał Małecki
RNA tails laboratory, Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology UW
Cytoplasmic mRNA turnover in fission yeast
Gene expression depends on RNA molecules. RNA stability and functionality can be controlled by post-transcriptional modifications. One of such modifications is uridylation – the addition of one to several uridine residues to the 3′ end of an RNA molecule. Uridylation has been detected in both non-coding and messenger RNA (mRNA) of most eukaryotic organisms. Uridylation usually leads to destabilization and degradation of molecules. It is a pervasive modification of most cellular mRNAs, however, its exact contribution to bulk mRNA decay is still unclear.
In my laboratory, we use fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe) as a model to study the role of uridylation in bulk mRNA turnover.
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