Institute Seminar

Dr Thomas Kehl-Fie

School of Molecular & Cellular Biology; University of Illinois

You are what you don’t eat: The impact of nutritional immunity.

Metals are essential cofactors for all forms of life. During infection, the immune system leverages this essentiality by limiting the availability of these critical nutrients in an attempt to starve invaders. Despite this Staphylococcus aureus and other pathogens remain capable of causing devastating disease. This seminar will discuss how pathogens overcome this host defense known as Nutritional Immunity and the impact these adaptions have on the host-pathogen interface.

Information for Attendees

The Seminar will be presented  both: in-person in conference room E (1st floor, building C) and on-line!

Seminars are held in English, on-line using the ZOOM platform. The Seminars are open and all are welcome to attend. Duration: up to 40 minutes of presentation and 20 minutes of discussion.

When joining the meeting, please turn off the microphone and camera and use your full name as the participant’s identifier. After the presentation, it will be possible to ask questions via text communication (“chat” option) or audio communication (microphone).

Before joining the meeting, please read the Privacy Policy.

All Institute Seminars are held using the same Seminar Link.