PhD Student’s Seminar

Anna Niemiro

“Role of NBR1 and LSU in regulation of catalase upon sulfur starvation”

Anna Stroynowska-Czerwińska

“Clustered PHD domains in mixed lineage leukemia proteins are attracted by acetylation-rich active promoters and enhancers”


Information for attendees
The Seminars are held in English on-line using the ZOOM platform. The Seminars are open and all are welcome to attend. Duration: up to 25 minutes of presentation, and 5 minutes of discussion. When joining the meeting, please turn off the microphone and camera and use your full name as the participant’s identifier. After the presentation, it will be possible to ask questions via text communication (“chat” option) or audio communication (microphone).

Before joining the meeting, please read the Privacy Policy.

All Doctoral Seminars are held using the same Doctoral Seminars Link