
Number of publications: 100
KUDLA G., HELWAK A., LIPIŃSKI L., Gene conversion and GC-content evolution in mammalian Hsp70. Molecular Biology and Evolution (2004) 21: 1438-1444 IF 6,355
DOMAN-PYTKA M., BARDOWSKI J.K., Pullulan degrading enzymes of bacterial origin. Critical Reviews in Microbiology (2004) 30: 107-121 IF 2,926
KULIKOWSKA E., KIERDASZUK B., SHUGAR D., Xanthine, xanthosine and its nucleotides: solution structures of neutral and ionic forms, and relevance to substrate properties in various enzyme systems and metabolic pathways. Acta Biochimica Polonica (2004) 51: 493-531 IF 1,032
SMACZYŃSKA-de ROOIJ I., MIGDALSKI A., RYTKA J., α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase and lipoic acid synthase are important for the functioning of peroxisomes of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters (2004) 9: 271-286 IF 0,495
KAMIENSKA-TRELA K., WOJCIK J., Applications of spin-spin couplings. Chapter in: A Specialist Periodical Report. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Senior reporter G.A. Webb. Royal Society of Chemistry (2004) 33: 146-191
GAGLIARDI D., STEPIEN P.P., TEMPERLEY R.J., LIGHTOWLERS R.N., CHRZANOWSKA-LIGHTOWLERS Z.M.A., Messenger RNA stability in mitochondria: different means to an end. Trends in Genetics (2004) 20: 260-267 IF 14,643
LORENC A., TONSKA K., KABZINSKA D., BARTNIK E., Mitochondrial DNA in polish centenarians. Toxicology Mechanism and Methods (2004) 14: 91-95 IF 0,464
LORENC A., BRYK J., BARTNIK E., Mitochondrial DNA in tumors. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods (2004) 14: 85-90 IF 0,464
PIWOWARSKI J., DZIEMBOWSKI A., DMOCHOWSKA A., MINCZUK M., TOMECKI R., GEWARTOWSKI K., STEPIEN P.P., RNA degradation in yeast and human mitochondria. Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods (2004) 14: 53-57 IF 0,464
KUBAN W., JONCZYK P., GAWEL D., MALANOWSKA K., SCHAAPER R.M, FIJALKOWSKA I.J., Role of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase IV in In Vivo replication fidelity. Journal of Bacteriology (2004) 186: 4802-4807 IF 4,146
ZUBEREK J., JEMIELITY J., JABLONOWSKA A.M., STEPINSKI J., DADLEZ M., STOLARSKI R., DARZYNKIEWICZ E., Influence of electric charge variation at residues 209 and 159 on the interaction of eIF4E with the mRNA 5' terminus. Biochemistry (2004) 43: 5370-5379 IF 4,008
KOPANSKA-ZASTĄPIŁO K., NAJDA-BERNATOWICZ A., ZEBROWSKA J., CHOMICZ L., PIEKARCZYK J., MYJAK P., BRETNER M., Synthesis and activity of 1H-benzimidazole and 1H-benzotriazole derivatives as inhibitors of Acanthamoeba castellanii. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry (2004) 12: 2617-2624 IF 2,018
NOWOSIELSKA A., JANION C., GRZESIUK E., Effect of deletion of SOS-induced polymerases, Pol II, IV, and V, on spontaneous mutagenesis in Escherichia coli mutD5. Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis (2004) 43: 226-234 IF 2,00
KARKUSIEWICZ I.A., REMPOLA B., GROMADKA R., GRYNBERG M., RYTKA J., Functional and physical interactions of Faf1p, a Saccharomyces cerevisiae nucleolar protein. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (2004) 319: 349-357 IF 2,749
BOGUSZEWSKA-CHACHULSKA A.M., KRAWCZYK M., STANKIEWICZ-DROGOŃ A., GOZDEK A., HAENNI A.-L., STROKOVSKAYA L., Direct fluorometric measurement of hepatitis C virus helicase activity. FEBS Letters (2004) 567: 253-258 IF 3,843
BRZESKI J.B., JERZMANOWSKI A., Plant chromatin - epigenetics linked to ATP-dependent remodeling and architectural proteins. FEBS Letters (2004) 567: 15-19 IF 3,843
SZOLAJSKA E., POZNANSKI J., FERBER M.L., MICHALIK J., GOUT E., FENDER P., BAILLY I., DUBLET B., CHROBOCZEK J., Poneratoxin, a neurotoxin from ant venom. Structure and expression in insect cells and construction of a bio-insecticide. European Journal of Biochemistry (2004) 271: 2127-2136 IF 2,26
KOWALCZYK P., CIESLA J.M., KOMISARSKI M., KUSMIEREK J.T., TUDEK B., Long-chain adducts of trans-4-hydroxy-2-nonenal to DNA bases cause recombination, base substitutions and frameshift mutations in M13 phage. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis (2004) 550: 33-48 IF 3,73
ZMUDZKA K., NAWROT B., CHOJNACKI T., STEC W.J., An oxathiaphospholane approach to one-pot phosphorothioylation of isoprenoid alcohols. Organic Letters (2004) 6: 1385-1387 IF 4,195
GABIG-CIMINSKA M., HOLMGREN A., ANDRESEN H., BUNDVIG BARKEN K., WUMPELMANN M., ALBERS J., HINTSCHE R., BREITENSTEIN A., NEUBAUER P., ŁOŚ M., CZYZ A., WEGRZYN G., SILFVERSPARRE G., JURGEN B., SCHWEDER T., ENFORS S.-O., Electric chips for rapid detection and quantification of nucleic acids. Biosensors & Bioelectronics (2004) 19: 537-546 IF 3,251
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