The 70’s

In the early 1970s, the Institute had about 80 researchers, including 15 full and associate professors. At the IBB, spectroscopic and biophysical methods were being developed and used for investigating the metabolism and structure of nucleic acids. This is also a period of intensive organizational work related to the so-called “node research problems.” From 1971 to 1975, the Institute coordinated the node project “Research on the genetic information of microorganisms, plants and animals.” Later, the consortium was expanded to 50 research teams and the project was carried out under a new name, “The molecular basis of life in microorganisms and higher organisms.” It was also during this time that prof. Andrzej Rabczenko was expanding the use of computational methods in the “brain of the IBB” – that is, in a laboratory located in the basement at 36 Rakowiecka Street where the Bulgarian computing machine was placed.

An important event was the 25th anniversary of the IBB, celebrated in 1979.

Source: “Instytut Biochemii i Biofizyki PAN 1954-2004. Z dziejów Biologii Molekularnej w Polsce” (edited by Kazimierz Lech Wierzchowski and Zofia Zarębska), Warsaw 2005 and “ Album z dziejów IBB”, Warsaw 2006 (edited by Zofia Zarębska, Kazimierz Lech Wierzchowski)

The 70’s – film