The 60’s

“[…] only after 6 years of constant efforts by Professor [Józef Heller], with the help of Professors Ignacy Reifer and David Shugar, the scattered laboratories ended up under a common roof, at 36 Rakowiecka Street. The Institute was temporarily located in premises rented from the Fermentation Institute. This opened the possibility of moving other Warsaw laboratories to two wings of the same building: the Department of Microbial Biochemistry, the Laboratory of Antibiotics and, a little later, the Department of Genetics, located in the Botanical Garden in Ujazdowskie Avenue. At that time, the Institute cooperated with the Laboratory of Pathological Biochemistry in Gdańsk and the Laboratory of Alkaloids in Poznań (these laboratories were formally part of the organizational structure of the IBB).[…] In 1965, under a common roof, the Institute doubled the number of scientific staff to 66; in addition, it employed 46 technical staff, 18 manual workers, 13 administrative staff and 4 librarians; in total, with 10 doctoral students, the Institute employed 157 people. Thanks to its large premises and financial support from the PAS, it was possible to upgrade the Institute’s equipment and to adapt it, where necessary, thanks to the efficient workshops. […]”

[Source: Zofia Zarębska, Józef Heller — współtwórca polskiej biochemii w latach 1942-1973, Z historii biochemii. Postępy Biochemii, 2011, pp. 354-364]