Seminars schedule

The Institute organizes three types of seminars on a regular basis:

The IBB Seminar Series (Tuesday)

The language of this series is English. Talks are given either by invited guests or by IBB researchers. The seminars are open to everybody. They take place either on-line (ZOOM) or in person in the Prof. Wacław Gajewski Auditorium – there are no hybrid meetings. Each talk is scheduled for up to 40 minutes plus 20 minutes of discussion. The seminars are on Tuesdays, usually at 9:30 am, see schedule for details.

  • In order to participate in the on-line seminars, you must register (registration is valid for the whole season 2023/2024)

Register here

  • Participation in seminars held in person in the Prof. Wacław Gajewski Auditorium does not require registration.

For participants of on-line seminars:

When you join the meeting, please turn off your microphone and camera. During the discussion it will be possible to ask questions both by a text option (chat) and personally (microphone). Before you join the meeting, please read the GDPR (RODO) agreement.

For more information about the IBB Seminar Series and registration contact:


Date Time Name  Title Affiliation Host
09:30 no seminar no seminar no seminar no seminar
08.10.2024 on-site 09:30 Dr hab. Wojciech Pokrzywa Exploring the Ubiquitin-Proteasome System through multidimensional studies of degrons and E3 ligases International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw Agnieszka Sirko
15.10.2024 on-site 09:30 Dr Eugenio Mancera Ramos Transcriptional and genomic evolution in yeasts: from biofilms to hybridization Department of Genetic Engineering, Center for Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute Anna Muszewska
09:30 Dr Ireneusz Stolarek Genetic history of East-Central Europe in the first millennium CE Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS Agnieszka Sirko
29.10.2024 on-site 09:30 Candidates for Group Lider in Microbiology dr hab. Aneta Bartosik

dr Daniel Ryan

Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics PAS

Helmholtz Institute for RNA-based Infection Research, Wurzburg, Germany

Agnieszka Sirko
09:30 Dr Marta Winiarska Synergy despite challenges – cooperation between academic and industrial science in medical biotechnology BioInMed Agnieszka Sirko
12.11.2024 on-site 09:30 Prof. Piotr Laudański
Diagnosis of endometriosis – past, present, future Chair and Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland; OVIklinika Infertility Center, Warsaw, Poland; Women’s Health Research Institute, Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland Bianka Świderska
19.11.2024 on-site 09:30 Dr Maria Górna A multitasking biochemist: from RNA binding proteins in innate immunity to antimicrobial drug discovery.

Career Development Series

Biological and Chemical Research Centre, University of Warsaw Katarzyna Jonak, Olga Iwańska
26.11.2024 on-site 09:30 Dr Karolina Łabędzka-Dmoch Nucleo-mitchondrial interactions in unconventional yeast model Candida albicans. Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw Róża Kucharczyk
03.12.2024 on-site 09:30 Mgr Mariusz Radkiewicz Untargeted metabolomics and lipidomics – powerful tool for biological sample screening Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry Agnieszka Sirko
10.12.2024 on-site 09:30 Prof. Piotr Laudański Diagnosis of endometriosis – past, present, future Chair and Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Gynecological Oncology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland; OVIklinika Infertility Center, Warsaw, Poland; Women’s Health Research Institute, Calisia University, Kalisz, Poland Bianka Świderska
09:30 Prof. Małgorzata Łobocka Bacteriophage-plasmid P1 – mechanisms of successful spread and influence on antibiotic-resistance dissemination Laboratory of Bacteriophage Biology, IBB PAS Agnieszka Sirko
07.01.2025 on-site 09:30 Dr Nicola De Franceschi The long and winding road to synthetic cell division – and what lies ahead The International Institute of Molecular Mechanisms and Machines
Polish Academy of Sciences
Izabela Kern-Zdanowicz
14.01.2025 on-site 09:30 Dr hab. Wiktor Lewandowski Engineering Chiral Nanomaterials: Bridging Photonics and Biomedical Advances Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Warsaw Wojciech Bal
21.01.2025 on-site 09:30 Dr hab. Agata Starosta Translation in Bacillus subtilis is spatially and temporally coordinated during sporulation Laboratory of Translatomics, IBB PAS Agnieszka Sirko
28.01.2025 on-site 09:30 Dr Jerzy Pieczykolan  Drug Development and Pharma Industry in Poland: A Golden Opportunity for Highly Skilled Graduate Job

Carrier Development Series

Astra Zeneca Katarzyna Jonak

Olga Iwańska

04.02.2025 on-site 09:30 Dr Janusz Pętkowski Does Life Need Water? The possibility of alternative biochemistry in concentrated sulfuric acid as a solvent. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Anna Muszewska
11.02.2025 on-site 09:30 Dr Michał Turek Exploring the Biology of Extracellular Vesicles Laboratory of Animal Molecular Physiology, IBB PAS Agnieszka Sirko
18.02.2025 on-line 09:30 – 11.00

(15 min)

ok. 11.30 webinar (1h)

Mgr Bianka Świderska
Dr Agata Malinowska
Dr. Maik M. Pruess
Advancing proteomics: new methods, best practices, and challenges in data analysis

Unraveling the proteome by untargeted mass spectrometry proteomics at scale

(Więcej informacji odnośnie webinaru wkrótce)

Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry & Seer Agnieszka Sirko
25.02.2025 on-site 09:30 Dr Lidia Wróbel Protein clearance pathways in neurodegeneration International Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology in Warsaw Ulrike Topf
04.03.2025 09:30 Prof. Paweł Paszek Understanding innate immune responses at the single-cell level Instytut Podstawowych Problemów Techniki PAN Agnieszka Sirko
11.03.2025 09:30 Prof. Michael Shrader Peroxisome-organelle interplay in health and disease Biosciences, Faculty of Health and Life Sciences, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK Marek Skoneczny Adrianna Skoneczna
18.03.2025 09:30 Dr Daniel Schindler TBA Max Planck Institute for Terrestrial Biology in Marburg Tomasz Turowski
25.03.2025 09:30 Carrier Development Series TBA TBA Katarzyna Jonak  Olga Iwańska
01.04.2025 on-line 09:30 Dr Tania Lupoli Activation and Incorporation of Rare Sugars into Bacterial Surfaces Department of Chemistry, New York University Ewa Świeżewska
08.04.2025 on-site 09:30 Prof. Sophien Kamoun TBA The Sainsbury Laboratory, Norwich, UK Magdalena Krzymowska
29.04.2025 09:30 Prof. Zofia Szweykowska-Kulińsk TBA Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Grażyna Dobrowolska
Agnieszka Sirko
06.05.2025 on-line 09:30 Dr Rosa Bario TBA


Justyna McIntyre
13.05.2025 on-site 09:30 Dr hab. Sebastian Glatt

laureat nagrody FNP

TBA Malopolska Centre of Biotechnology UJ Agata Starosta
20.05.2025 09:30 Carrier Development Series TBA TBA  Katarzyna Jonak  Olga Iwańska
27.05.2025 09:30 Prof. Artur Jarmołowski TBA Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu Grażyna Dobrowolska
Agnieszka Sirko
03.06.2025 09:30 TBA TBA TBA TBA
10.06.2025 on-site 09:30 Katarzyna Dziasek (Krzyczmonik) TBA Max Planck Institute of Molecular Plant Physiology Szymon Świeżewski
17.06.2025 on-site 09:30 Prof. Krzysztof Pyrć TBA Malopolska Center of Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University Magdalena Krzymowska
24.06.2025 09:30 Prof. Robert Czajkowski Interactions between Bacteriophages and Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae bacteria – from Genes to Environment and Back Intercollegiate Faculty of Biotechnology UG & MUG, Gdańsk Małgorzata Łobocka


The PhD Students’ Seminars (Thursday)

In this series, the talks are given by PhD students. The seminars are held in English, in the Wacław Gajewski Auditorium (in person). Each talk takes up to 20 minutes with 5 minutes of discussion, and during one meeting there are usually two talks scheduled. The meetings are every second Thursday, they are open and everyone is welcome to join.

After the discussions, all PhD students are asked to stay and chat with the speakers (up to 20 minutes additionally).

Schedule of the PhD Students’ Seminars

Scientific Fridays (Friday)

This initiative has been put forward by young researchers with a doctoral degree: its purpose is to facilitate the exchange of experiences and to discuss research that is currently ongoing at the Institute. The meetings are closed – they are meant only for members of the IBB community. During the talks, unpublished data and ongoing projects are presented and discussed.

The meetings begin at 2:30 pm, in the Prof. Zagórski-Ostoja Seminar Room. Usually, two 20-minute talks are given at each meeting. Afterwards, you are invited for a “Happy Hour”. For more information contact: Dr Katarzyna Jonak and Dr Olga Iwańska.

Schedule of Scientific Fridays